
Safari in Etosha National Park – Namibia

After passing the Kaokoveld region, we returned to civilization and headed to the Etosha park. With its 20,000 sq km, it is one of the largest nature reserves in the world. The name comes from the saline desert of about 5000 square kilometers, the Etosha Pan.

Traveling through the park is easy as most roads are paved.. There is a rather big visitor center and several well-equipped campsites. The trip is also suitable for families with children.

The main feature of this park is the possibility of spending entire days observing wild animals that are often seen at sunset time, close to the biggest pools of water where they drink, or bathe. These pools can be also found in the campsites located inside the park. In Okaukuejo, they say, you may be able to spot the black rhino; in the Halali, instead, the leopard. So, if you have the chance, it is better to stay in the campsite.